Can I offer you more or better orgasms?

Believe me when I tell you that a well-fucked person, solo or partnered, will have happier relationships with themselves, partners, family members, work colleagues - yes, this “work” I’m suggesting for you can even make your day job more productive and efficient.

It's ALL connected, baby.

Using my years of knowledge and experience of the nervous system, yogic and meditative practices, and studies of sexology, I have created a simple, easy-to-follow workbook to help prompt you in the direction that you want to take your sexual adventures.

I know that you're curious,

you cheeky minx!

Tell me you want it, I’ll give it to you straight in the inbox

I never send spam, leave the party whenever you like

As well as studying sexology for over three years with the pioneer of sex coaching herself, Dr Patti Britton I've taught 1000+ hours of yoga classes as an experienced registered yoga teacher so I know a thing or two about sexy stuff getting back into your body.

So you're in safe hands with me.

All my love,


Copyright © 2024 Lee-ann Cordingley - Certified Sex Coach & Clinical Sexologist