Guest Blog for Me

Voices Between the Sheets

Perhaps we've spoke about my Guest Blog opportunities or you've landed here from reading my blog post

Voices Between the Sheets.

Either way, I'm bloody glad you're because I want to hear what you have to say!

Everybody I speak with is really interested in my work as a sex coach and given that I am ever a student of sexology, I am fascinated to listen and learn about people's unique and individual perspective and experience.

Use this page to submit your guest blog to me about your experience or opinions.

Choose to be referenced by your real name, or remain anonymous.

Of course let's not be silly - the posts must be appropriate and relevant to my audience and I will not post anything that I deem to be upsetting or identifies any other individuals. Consent, always.

I agree that if accepted, this will be published on the Voices Between the Sheets guest blog, referenced as specified.

What Can You Expect Now?

Thank you for taking this time to offer your guest blog!

I will ping you an email as soon as it is published.

I give good email...

Spice up ya' life with my famous Foxy Friday emails

I won't send you spam & you can leave the party whenever you want to

"Lee-ann is a very capable and strong person that is able to use her femininity as an alchemy … She does this through deep listening and then methodically and patiently working through each and every area of concern... and is creatively inspirational; a vibrant and magnetic businesswoman.”

Copyright © 2024 Lee-ann Cordingley - Certified Sex Coach & Clinical Sexologist