Being Better Between The Sheets

Couple in bed, sleeping man is rolled over facing away from a woman sitting up on her phone saying shhh

Voices Between the Sheets

October 11, 20245 min read

Couple in bed, sleeping man is rolled over facing away from a woman sitting up on her phone saying shhh

Welcome to Voices Between the Sheets:

Exploring Sexual Journeys and Empowerment

As a certified sex coach, I’m often asked what it is I do and who I help. Simply put, I work with women—typically aged between 35 and 55—helping them reclaim their pleasure, confidence, and sexual empowerment. It’s a journey of discovery, whether it’s about reigniting intimacy in relationships, exploring solo pleasure, or just feeling good in your own skin. We’re not just talking about sex—we’re talking about connection, power, and intentional pleasure.

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Everybody I speak with is really interested in my work as a sex coach and given that I am ever a student of sexology, I am fascinated to listen and learn about people's unique and individual perspective and experience.

But as much as I enjoy sharing my insights, there’s something even more important: listening.

Listening to the experiences, thoughts, and wisdom of other people. Every woman has a unique relationship with her sexuality—some have come to embrace it, some are just beginning to explore it, and others are rediscovering it later in life. This diversity of experience is exactly why I’ve always intended to create a platform where your voices can be heard.

Introducing Voices Between the Sheets

The concept behind Voices Between the Sheets has been simmering in my mind since I before launched Better Between the Sheets. Why? Because I firmly believe that everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. We all have different experiences and perspectives when it comes to our bodies, our pleasure, and our sense of empowerment. And it’s in sharing these stories that we create a ripple effect, allowing other women to find solidarity, inspiration, and courage.

Some of the stories you’ll read in this series will be deeply personal, with their authors proudly standing behind their words. Others may prefer to remain anonymous—because let’s be honest, sometimes our experiences are intimate, and privacy can be empowering in its own way. And if you’re wondering, “Could one of these stories be from Lee-Ann herself?”—well, I’ll leave that to your imagination!

Why Now?

I know what you’re thinking: “Why has it taken you this long to launch Voices Between the Sheets?”

Believe me, I’ve been asking myself the same question!

The truth is, I’m no stranger to procrastination or perfectionism (it’s a dangerous combo, I assure you). But as I often tell my clients, it’s better to start messy than to never start at all. So, here we are—imperfect, but ready to dive in!

What Can You Expect?

This series is all about celebrating the diversity of women’s experiences with sex, pleasure, and empowerment. We’ll hear stories of women reclaiming their sexuality after years of feeling disconnected, exploring solo pleasure for the first time, or learning how to set boundaries and rediscover what turns them on. From intimate reflections to bold confessions, there’s something here for every woman who’s curious about her own journey.

Here’s a sneaky peak of what might be to come:

Embracing My Inner Courtesan

A woman’s tale of reconnecting with her seductive power and learning that intentional pleasure is the ultimate act of self-care.

Igniting the Spark with the Lifestyle

Perspectives on risk taking and re-igniting the spark with sexual liberation

The Power of No

A reflection on boundaries, self-respect, and why saying “no” can be the sexiest thing a woman can do.

Why Your Story Matters

The beauty of Voices Between the Sheets lies in the power of collective storytelling. When we share stories—whether they’re stories of sexual triumph, exploration, frustration, or revelation—they help others feel seen and heard. This isn’t just about swapping stories for fun (though fun is definitely part of it!); it’s about fostering a community where we can feel empowered to embrace their sexuality, free from judgment or shame.

Will it just be women's stories?

No. Whilst I definitely resonate with women on a professional and personal level - 'cos you know, I am one - I also work with wonderful men who's insights, stories and opinions are fascinating and need to be heard as well.

I want to create a space where we can talk openly about sex and pleasure in ways that feel real and accessible. Because the more we talk about it, the more we normalise it. The more we normalise it, the more empowered we all become.

Get Involved: Share Your Voice

Here’s where you come in. If you have a story to share—whether it’s about rediscovering your sexuality after years of feeling disconnected, an epiphany you had during solo exploration, or a tip on how to keep the passion alive in a long-term relationship—I want to hear from you. Voices Between the Sheets is open to all women who feel called to share their experiences. You can find more information here.

Not sure if your story is ‘big’ enough or ‘juicy’ enough?

Trust me, it is.

Every voice matters in this space, and your experience could be the very thing another woman needs to hear. And if you’d rather remain anonymous, that’s perfectly fine too. The important thing is that your voice is heard—whether it’s attached to your name or not.

What’s Next?

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be releasing the guest blog posts I've already been given, so keep an eye out for these powerful stories. If you’re not already subscribed to my newsletter, now’s the perfect time to do so—you don’t want to miss these incredible voices. I'll also be sharing snippets on my Instagram page so tap the little bell at the top of my profile to be notified of my new posts.

And remember, this space isn’t just about reading—it’s about participating. I want your voice to be part of this ongoing conversation. So, if you’re feeling inspired, don’t hesitate to send in your submission.

Let’s make Voices Between the Sheets a place where we can speak openly about sex, pleasure, and empowerment—because you deserve to feel powerful and pleasure-filled, in and out of the bedroom.

Until next time, keep exploring and embracing your power.

with pleasure,


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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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