Being Better Between The Sheets

Fun image of a blonde lady in a pink dress holding a leek and a microphone next to a penguin sitting on a pink beanbag

Yellow wellies, leeks and a penguin; a Business on a Beanbag podcast

December 07, 20233 min read
Fun image of a blonde lady in a pink dress holding a leek and a microphone next to a penguin sitting on a pink beanbag

Yellow wellies, leeks and a penguin; a Business on a Beanbag podcast

Let me tell you about the absolute blast I had recently when I was invited to be a guest on the Business on a Beanbag podcast a few weeks back.

This all came about because I have recently been making a lot of noise on the business platform, LinkedIn - do you play there, too? Seek me out if you're interested in my shenanigans.

Anyhoo, being so vocal on the platform has resulted in my diary being a lot busier than normal (so now you know if you've been trying to bag a slot!). This is great because there are a lot more people hearing about the ways that I can help them make their pleasure and intimate lives better.

Imma keep shouting because I know that the people I can help the most are the ones that don't know they need me. Perhaps even you have stumbled across this blog and felt intrigued for the same reason?

It's always tricky to speak of such things on public platforms because I never know if the social media police are going to kick me out - this is why my own email newsletters and blog posts are so open and it was so good to actually talk openly about the subject with other professional people who understand the value of what I do.

I actually have been planning for a long time to launch my own podcast, so please do watch this space - even better, drop me an email to let me know if it's something you would enjoy - that could bump it up my to-do list for you!

But in the meantime, I'm happy to be appearing on other people's podcasts to shine more light on how a sex coach can help you in lots of ways.

Mas, Adam and the whole team at Altitude Marketing Studios were so warm and welcoming and completely professional in every aspect. We delved into everything under the sun about sex, and let me tell you, the conversation flowed like a river. From yellow wellies to leeks (seriously, if you know, you know), we touched upon it all.

But hold on a sec, why in the world am I talking about wellies and veggies when I should be raving about my gig as Nottingham’s sole Certified Sex Coach? Well, my friend, you'll just have to tune in here to catch the full scoop.

Who knows, you might just walk away with a gem or two that’ll spice up your solo, duo, or trio escapades. Expect a healthy dose of factual info and, ahem, maybe a terrible joke or two thrown in (Come on, you know I can't resist!).

And if it tickled your fancy, how about sharing a snazzy little comment that I can proudly showcase on my website? I’m itching to join more podcasts until I get my act together and launch my very own. Cheers, my darlings!

Now, head over to the podcast and let’s get talking about the good stuff!

You might also enjoy my other guest podcast episodes, which I've collected in one handy playlist for you - click here to check out the saucy stuff.

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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