Being Better Between The Sheets

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Published on: 10/02/2024

I am a huge advocate for being honest about how you feel and being vocal about you like or don’t like in your sexy time. But menopause can throw a great big-arsed spanner into all of that because it changes a great deal of things in a woman’s body, not least because sometimes what you like actually changes and you might find yourself not really *knowing* what you like anymore.

Can your alter ego help with your sex life?

Can your alter ego help with your sex life?

Published on: 18/01/2024

Same you, but just sexier, bolder, more confident, more daring? Years ago I was a very respectable bank manager in our fine City of London - I was pretty well-to-do and looked *fantastic* in a suit and heels. Just sayin’

Yellow wellies, leeks and a penguin; a Business on a Beanbag podcast

Yellow wellies, leeks and a penguin; a Business on a Beanbag podcast

Published on: 07/12/2023

Let me tell you about the absolute blast I had recently when I was invited to be a guest on the Business on a Beanbag podcast.

I'm in Social Media Jail

I'm in Social Media Jail

Published on: 17/10/2023

I'm a sex coach & sex educator, I don’t censor myself. Wrong. I actually have to and it goes against every grain because this is what happens when you get booted into Insta Jail...

Copyright © 2024 Lee-ann Cordingley - Certified Sex Coach & Clinical Sexologist