
Between The Sheets

A drip rippling into a calm area of blue water making circles

The Ripple Effect of Pleasure; It's not all about you!

December 13, 20235 min read

You’ve landed here in my website world of pleasure and intimacy so you know that I'm all about sex coaching. Dropping any taboo and shame around Doing the Doodah and opening the dialogue about things that make us feel good in our bodies.

The individuals I often work with are generally knee-deep in relationships, and come to me to make the twosome tangos with their husbands, wives and all in-between better.

But let me tell you, I'm not just here to talk about the birds and the bees and to tell them what to stick where, which bits to rub and which parts to nibble.

I’m all about highlighting the holistic benefits that pleasure brings to your overall well-being.

Yes, you heard me right -

pleasure is a VIP guest that doesn't just visit your life; it permeates it down to your very cells

Trust me, I'm not talking crap about this - pleasure has a cellular-level impact!

Bodies are fucking amazing!

You may have gleaned that I’m a huge fan of how incredible we all are - and that’s just the anatomy and physiology of us! (Anatomy is the body parts, physiology is what the parts do and how they work alongside everything else to keep us living our best lives.)

One of those things that keeps us being tip-top is the lovely cocktail of pleasure hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins that we get from lots of things that are pleasurable. Including from the old mattress mambo and orgasms. They honestly help us remain in good health as well as keep us happy and satisfied and perhaps with a glass-half-full approach to our time on this green earth.

speech marks

"Certain hormones are known to help promote positive feelings, including happiness and pleasure."


Let's break it down: when you're feeling good, the effects ripple out in ways you might not even realize; suddenly,

😁 you're wearing a grin or you smile easier

🧘🏽‍♂️ stresses seem easier to move through

🎨 creativity and productivity skyrocket

🏋🏼‍♀️ you're even smashing your fitness goals because your body feels healthier

And here's the kicker - it's not solely about you. Nope, it goes beyond that.

I'd bet my last pair of knickers that becoming this awesome version of yourself will undoubtedly make you

🙋🏾 a more engaging friend

📈 a boss or team member that everyone admires

👧🏻 a top-notch parent

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼 a better half to your other half

😻and even a more content pet parent to your furry companions

Self-care is a luxury? Nope, not at all.

Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Let's spice things up a bit and ask yourself this: who in your life stands to gain from experiencing a happier, more fulfilled you?

Here are just a few ideas about how some of your roles might be influenced by having a healthy sex life*.

*when I say ‘healthy sex life’, I am also referring to solo sex. Masturbation is the foundation for all partnered sex.

But you knew that, right?

Pleasure Makes You A Better Parent

In a world where young people can often be bombarded with unhealthy expectations about things like body image AND relationships, prioritising your pleasure and self-love can make you an excellent parent or role model for the young ‘uns in your life. It’s true that children are less influenced by what they are told and more influenced by behaviours they observe especially with their primary caregivers. The way that they see close relationships and interactions between the important adults in their lives can definitely impact the way they conduct their own relationships when they’re all growed up (that was a deliberate typo, Grammar Police).

Pleasure Makes You A Better Friend

Don’t you want to spend your time being a good listener, having a laugh, and doing fun activities with your bestie? I’m not saying at all that you can’t have a complain and a moan every now and then because no one can be sunshine and rainbows all the time

fuck the toxic positivity!

If you’re unhappy, you’re more likely to spend more than your fair share being a negative Nancy. Make the memories together that you’re likely to cherish!

Pleasure Makes You Better At Work

Imagine how it feels to be sat next to a team member who doesn’t sleep very well because they’re frustrated next to their partner or simply doesn’t have the frequency or the kind of sexual pleasure they want.

Are they likely to be happy and chipper all of the time?

There’s a possibility that no, they won’t.

Feeling lack in these areas can stimulate feelings of resentment, frustration and sometimes even envy amongst co-workers who might seem to be having fantastic fuckery themselves. Coupled with the fact that it could impact their levels of creativity and we all know that tiredness simply fucks with your productivity.

And not in a good way.

What about if that person was your boss??


Don’t be that person!

Perhaps your team could benefit from a chat about all this? Picture this: me, spicing up your conference room and making things a whole lot better for them and your business. Yep, I'm game to bring the heat - email me!!

So folks, I really am throwing the ball out to you for some self-reflection.

It's not just about you—it's about creating a positive, pleasure-filled environment that radiates out to everyone in your orbit. Who's ready to join me on this pleasure-driven journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life?

Let's dive in together!

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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BTW Subscribers receive my weekly email newsletters and occasional sexy homework to keep their weekend foxy, so join my vibe tribe if that sounds like fun to you.

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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