Being Better Between The Sheets

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Published on: 10/02/2024

I am a huge advocate for being honest about how you feel and being vocal about you like or don’t like in your sexy time. But menopause can throw a great big-arsed spanner into all of that because it changes a great deal of things in a woman’s body, not least because sometimes what you like actually changes and you might find yourself not really *knowing* what you like anymore.

Can your alter ego help with your sex life?

Can your alter ego help with your sex life?

Published on: 18/01/2024

Same you, but just sexier, bolder, more confident, more daring? Years ago I was a very respectable bank manager in our fine City of London - I was pretty well-to-do and looked *fantastic* in a suit and heels. Just sayin’

The Ripple Effect of Pleasure; It's not all about you!

The Ripple Effect of Pleasure; It's not all about you!

Published on: 13/12/2023

The individuals I often work with are generally in relationships, and come to me to make the twosome tangos with their husbands, wives and all in-between better. But I'm not just here to talk about which bits to rub and which parts to nibble.

I'm in Social Media Jail

I'm in Social Media Jail

Published on: 17/10/2023

I'm a sex coach & sex educator, I don’t censor myself. Wrong. I actually have to and it goes against every grain because this is what happens when you get booted into Insta Jail...

Copyright © 2024 Lee-ann Cordingley - Certified Sex Coach & Clinical Sexologist