Being Better Between The Sheets

Caucasian woman holding a white duvet infront of her face, you can only see her nose and eyes, but she's smiling. a white

Know your bits

October 19, 20232 min read

Know your bits

Knowledge is power, right?

Your body is amazing

So let’s talk about what you keep under your swimming cossie.

There are so many people for whom biology lessons was not their bag so they didn’t pay attention to the diagrams, or they may have forgotten once they started having fun playing with said equipment!

Anyhoo, there are lots of people who don’t know the correct terminology for their genitals, which, as an anatomy & physiology geek, I believe is a crying shame!

Their names are as beeeeautiful as their function and their pleasure capacity.

As much as I always talk with my clients in their preferred lingo, I’ll let you into a little secret, I always season our sessions with a dash of the anatomical. What can I say, knowledge is a turn-on!

In the style of the Creme Egg advert

what do you call yours?

A bugbear of anyone who works in the field of sexology or within the medical or gynaecological profession is the misnaming of our beautiful pussies.

Spoiler - ‘vagina’ is the term for the vaginal canal, ‘vulva’ is the correct name for the entire structure including the lovely labia (both sets), clitoris, and ALL that good stuff.

Also, it’s worth noting that the pudendal nerve which carries all the good sensations up to your brain so our orgasms happen is named after the Latin word pudendum meaning “parts to be ashamed of”

Hell fucking no!!


It’s no wonder that we have so much taboo around anything pleasure-related, so thanks for nothing, you ancient anatomists who had other agendas!

I digress....

Let’s talk about our fuck bits with the pride and love they deserve because they help us feel good! If you want some help with this, hit me up with call to improve your naughty knowledge.

BTW this is especially important if you are a parent I'm sure you want your child growing up feeling confident about their body 👌🏼

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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