Being Better Between The Sheets

Caucasian woman holding a white duvet in front of her face. You can only see her nose and eyes but you know she is smiling

Sex Appraisal

August 02, 20243 min read

Ever felt like you’re ready for a new adventure but your bedroom antics feel like you’re stuck on repeat? Well, it might just be time for a sex appraisal. Yes, you heard me right – it’s like an annual performance review but way more fun and with fewer PowerPoint slides.

In my latest video, we’re diving deep into the concept of a sex appraisal. Think of it as a way to take stock of your intimate life, celebrate the highs, and address the areas that might need a little extra attention. It’s all about being intentional with your pleasure and making sure your sexual relationship is as fulfilling as possible.

Here’s how you can conduct your own sex appraisal:

Set the Scene

Find a comfortable, neutral setting where you can talk openly. This isn’t a “whilst in the throes of passion” discussion. Think cosy living room chat with a glass of wine or a nice walk in the park.

Celebrate the Wins

Start by recognising what’s working well. What moments or techniques really get the fireworks going? Acknowledge the positives and give each other some well-deserved praise.

Open Up About Desires

Now, gently ease into what you both might want more of. Maybe there’s a new position you’ve always wanted to try or a fantasy that’s been simmering at the back of your mind. This is your chance to bring it to the surface.

Address the Stale Spots

Let’s be honest, sometimes things get a little routine. Discuss any areas that might feel repetitive or unexciting. This isn’t about pointing fingers but about exploring new possibilities together.

Set Some Bedroom Goals

Yes, goals aren’t just for work! Set a few playful objectives. Maybe it’s trying something new once a month, or dedicating a night solely to each other's pleasure. It’s all about keeping things fresh and exciting.

Check-In Regularly

Don’t let this be a one-time affair. Make a habit of checking in with each other regularly. It doesn’t have to be a formal sit-down each time – even a playful, “How did we do last night?” can be a great way to keep the communication flowing.

Remember, a sex appraisal is not about criticism or pressure.

It’s about growth, connection, and making sure both you and your partner are getting the most out of your intimate life. It’s all part of cultivating intentional pleasure and ensuring your sexual relationship remains vibrant and satisfying.

Some find it a bit daunting to start such conversations and if that's you, don’t worry, it's one of the ways that I've helped lots of couples already so I’m here to help! Book a call with me, and together we can navigate these discussions with ease and confidence. Whether in-person in Nottingham or online, I’m here to support you in making your pleasure a priority.

A little spice and a lot of communication can go a long way in keeping the magic alive. Get appraising and make sure your bedroom is always a place of joy and excitement!

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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