Being Better Between The Sheets

Sex Appraisal

Sex Appraisal

Published on: 02/08/2024

Ever felt like you’re ready for a new adventure but feel like you’re stuck on repeat? It might just be time for a sex appraisal. Yes, you heard me right – it’s like an annual performance review but way more fun and with fewer PowerPoint slides.

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Menopause with Confidence and Sass

Published on: 10/02/2024

I am a huge advocate for being honest about how you feel and being vocal about you like or don’t like in your sexy time. But menopause can throw a great big-arsed spanner into all of that because it changes a great deal of things in a woman’s body, not least because sometimes what you like actually changes and you might find yourself not really *knowing* what you like anymore.

It's none of your business!

It's none of your business!

Published on: 31/01/2024

In my years of studying and practicing sexology, I know A LOT of people who find it difficult to talk about sex because they feel they'll be judged or shamed. And that kinda stinkin’ thinkin’ can keeps you from having the pleasure that you deserve.

Low Libido? Give Her An Extra One In Bed

Low Libido? Give Her An Extra One In Bed

Published on: 23/01/2024

Now, THIS I have to share because it's such a no-brainer, epiphany moment and can help you really invest in your relationship with a woman with as little as 60 minutes of effort.

Copyright © 2024 Lee-ann Cordingley - Certified Sex Coach & Clinical Sexologist