Being Better Between The Sheets

Black woman in a yellow top being hugged from behind by a black man in a red shirt. Both are smiling and very happy

Low Libido? Give Her An Extra One In Bed

January 23, 20243 min read
Black woman in a yellow top being hugged from behind by a black man in a red shirt, both are smiling and very happy

Low Libido? Give Her An Extra One In Bed

Now, THIS I have to share because it's such a no-brainer, epiphany moment and can help you really invest in your relationship with a woman with as little as 60 minutes of effort.

OK, you'll want to put in that 60mins of effort on the regular and really understand where I'm coming from with this, but it is do-able.

If you're a woman reading this, perhaps you might want to share with the person who's lucky enough to share your bed if they grumble that you don't put out as much as they'd like you to.

As Nottingham’s only certified sex coach, I am often on my soap box about the magick and witchery of women’s pleasure. Sincerely, great things happen in partnerships, families, businesses and communities when women are happy, joyful and basically when

women are well-fucked

And before we go down a particular path - I’m NOT saying men’s pleasure is insignificant or doesn’t matter. No ma’am. More than 75% of my clients are wonderful hetero males who are very invested in the pleasure of their current or future partners…

What I’m saying is that pleasure is pleasure and we all benefit.

If you happen to have had the pleasure of having sex with a woman, I’m sure you’ll agree that it is infinitely better when she’s really into it. You can tell when she’s giving a pity- or obligation-fuck - giving you one because she feels she has to. Do you know what I’m talking about here??


Lots of folk tell me their biggest issue in their relationship is mis-matched libido.

“…she’s never in the mood…”

“….he pesters me or gets in a mood if we don’t have sex....”

“…I’m just too tired and can’t be arsed - I go to bed to sleep…”

This research by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) studied the correlation between sleep and libido. I’ll not regurgitate the components, for I trust that you can follow the link and dig out those treasures for yourself.

I’m not teaching you to suck eggs here.

Unless you want me to.

I should first plainly state for the court that I have been deliriously happy in the throes of a love affair with my mattress for the lions-share of my 47 years.

🥁 🥁 🥁

Here is what you need to know from the study cited...

“…a 1-hour increase in sleep length corresponded to a 14% increase in odds of engaging in partnered sexual activity.”

To me, this information is hung like a very proud and happy donkey.


(I personally feel so validated right now.)

What about if we couple this with another fairly typical gripe about the apportioning of family commitments or household chores?

Of course, every single person is unique and individual and will have varying factors contributing to their motivation or desire for sex including wellbeing, medication, stress-levels, content or happiness in the relationship and loads of other things, so the number one best thing you can do is have clear channels of communication. A professional sex coach of therapist can help you with these discussions because they can be tricky for some. If that's you, feel free to jump on a Discovery Call with me and I can let you know within 10mins if I am able to help you.

But for now, here’s my scientific / non-scientific experiment;

Is there space in your week for the lady in your life to have an extra hour in bed?

Are YOU the lady in your life? Can you give yourself one?

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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