Being Better Between The Sheets

Caucasian woman holding a white duvet in front of her face. You can only see her nose and eyes but you know she is smiling

Take a breath, babe

September 14, 20232 min read

Take a breath, babe!

Sometimes you can be in your head and overthink even the simplest of things and before you know it, your orgasm has packed up it's bag and left town. Or, it jumped centre stage into the party leaving the innocent bystanders to clean up the mess and wonder when their own orgasm gets to come out to play.

I kid you not, this simple trick, when practiced regularly, can really uplevel so many areas of your life - and can be especially helpful when it comes to sex, masturbation, orgasming, not orgasming, lasting a little bit longer, and being in touch with all the pleasure in your body.

Mindful sex really is fantastic!

Of course you breathe during sex! So why is mindful breathing so important, you ask?

Well, it not only helps you stay grounded and present but also enhances your connection with your partner. Plus, it's a surefire way to delay that climax, if you're into that sort of thing.

So, the next time you find yourself in the sack, remember: Mindful breathing – it's the secret sauce to making your intimate moments truly unforgettable. Check out this freebie!

If this floats your boat and you're interested in learning more about yoga, did you know I'm an experienced yoga teacher myself? Yep, I have more than 1400+ hours of teaching experience under my belt and know a thing or two about this wonderful way of life (although I absolutely still consider myself a student - it blows my brain how much there is to learn!).

If you're interested to dip your toes in, you can take a look at my free

Ease Into Yoga Mini Course

OR if you want to get really spicy, I have an online course specifically designed

Yoga for Sex

Let me know if I can support your journey to great sex!

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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BTW Subscribers to my email newsletters receive weekly a sexy weekend homework relating to these Quick Tips videos, so join my vibe tribe if that sounds like fun to you.

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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