Being Better Between The Sheets

Plunge pool

Some frosty behaviour could raise your libido

September 23, 20234 min read
Plunge pool

Some frosty behaviour could raise your libido

It’s been a while, my chilly friend! ❄️

I’m sure I don’t have to be another person to tell you about the health benefits. As much as I’m an anatomy & physiology geek and how much I LOVE the human body, I’m not a scientific researcher, nor am I spending hours reading medical journals and articles.

BUT what I can do is tell you what’s going on for me since I started cold water plunging a few months ago.

I’m very much an earthy green / sunshine yellow kinda gal, if you’ve ever been on an Insights Discovery workshop, you'll know that means I’m value-driven and all about the people (so I’m really in the best job for my personality type!). However, I can have a tendency for



taking too long with tasks

On the first day, I took the plunge in the spa at my gym David Lloyd, I challenged myself to stay in for 30 seconds. Imma tell you, when that timer finished, I was outta there faster than Tom when he sat on the AMCE Dynamite that Jerry hid in his bed.

I may have shrieked a little bit when I first got in. Ok maybe a lot, because someone in a nearby sauna told me I did.

Every day, I increased my duration gradually and now I only get out so other people can use it.

Honestly after the initial shock, I go somewhere really bloody wonderful. I tap into my yogic breathing (ujjayi pranayama, if you’re interested), close my eyes and submerge until it covers my shoulders.

🤩 my skin feels tingly

🤩 I feel mental clarity

🤩 my body feels ALIVE

Psst - click here if you'd like instant access to my Freebie Sexy Breath exercise

These things last long after I have gotten out, and I'm much less like a Tom and Jerry scene now. Calm, measured and focused.

My days feel more productive and buzzy.

My senses feel vibrant yet calm.

My smile feels easier.

And now after an extended hiatus so it could receive some special attention from the team at David Lloyd - and me sulking about its unavailability - the plunge pool and I are back in love again.

I’m unsure where they came from or when they began, but words “hello friend” became a familiar repeat in my mind as I step down the ladder into the water.

He’s colder now, marking his presence with all-body goosebumps.

His bite nips all over my skin and I tap into my breath, close my eyes and I’m not gonna lie, I love how it makes me feel. Other spa users tell me I look like a meditating Buddha in there. And I really hope they’re being kind and not being rude about me in my swim cozzie 🤣

I come to this party because it regulates my nervous system

I kinda know this with my brain, but it’s more a felt sense when it’s actually happening.

As a yoga teacher and as a sex coach, I talk to my clients about becoming comfortable with discomfort and being aware of bodily sensations; developing emotional strength and resilience.

Place your focus on one thing, the sensations, the breath or the moment. Just bloody perfick.

These regular dates with my blue, watery lover have me more alert, awake, and in the moment. Studies have shown that cold water exposure can increase dopamine levels by 250%,

"...a chemical released by the brain in response to pleasure. It plays a major role in reward-motivated behaviour and actually activates libido through flirting or the anticipation of seeing, talking to or being with your partner." Livi, 2021

there are also studies that cite increased testosterone levels and sperm count.

NOW then - if you don’t fancy slipping into near-ice water, what else could you do to make yourself feel like that….

Of course, when we're talking about libido or sex drive, there are many variables in the equation - and it really is so very personal and unique to every person.

I don't believe cold water plunging is going to turn you into Jessica Rabbit


I do believe that anything that helps you get in touch with sensations in your body is a good thing.

And I'm not talking about just Pussy Power, I'm talking about sensations ALL over your body.

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body and it's literally covered in nerve endings - just imagine if you had access to having pleasure from all of those nerve endings! And, you kinda do - you've just got to practice being aware of them.

If you can access pleasure from way more than your pussy or your dick, you're ramping up your capacity.

Even if you don't fancy taking the whole plunge - pun intended - would you try a quick blast of cold water at the end of your shower?

with pleasure,

Lee-ann x

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Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann Cordingley, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist and experienced registered yoga teacher

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